4 Reasons You Need An Austin Public Relations Firm

Need An Austin Public Relations Firm Did you know that public relations existed in ancient civilizations, but the first real public relations firm was created just over 100 years ago in the early 1900s? Public Relations is the business of authentic storytelling, building trust, creating awareness, and connecting with media and other sources to help […]
Media Relations and Public Relations: How They Work Together

Are media relations and public relations interchangeable words that mean the same thing? NOPE! Media relations is actually a branch of public relations that deals with specifically, you guessed it- the media! In a previous article titled “What is Media Relations,” we went in-depth into precisely what media relations is and how it works for your business. […]
Why Brand Attributes are Important for Your Business

Why Brand Attributes are Important for Your Business If your business was a person, would you be friends with them? Your business is like a person, and your brand is its personality. As a business owner, you want your brand to be consistent, inspiring, and trustworthy. But how do you convey that? By choosing specific […]