DOM GEM | Media Relations and Public Relations: How They Work Together

Media Relations and Public Relations: How They Work Together

Are media relations and public relations interchangeable words that mean the same thing? NOPE! 

Media relations is actually a branch of public relations that deals with specifically, you guessed it- the media! 

In a previous article titled “What is Media Relations,” we went in-depth into precisely what media relations is and how it works for your business. 

Even though it is a branch of public relations, these two are commonly intertwined to maximize the effectiveness of a business’s efforts. 

To explain how these two marketing functions work in tandem, let’s break down what is involved in each!

Public Relations

Public relations (PR) is the branch of marketing that deals with community and public outreach to boost brand identity and brand value. The way people perceive your brand is crucial and having a public relations specialist help you keep your brand in a positive light is essential. 

Keeping your business in good standing with your consumers and the community creates brand loyalty and referrals from those who have adopted your brand.  

Like a diamond, public relations is a multifaceted marketing tool that merges several different aspects of marketing.

For example, the following systems and tools fall under public relations:

  • Event marketing and management
  • Social media marketing
  • Newsletters
  • Speaking engagements 
  • Sponsorships and partnerships
  • Advertising
  • Public Affairs 
  • Crisis communications and management
  • Internal communications
  • Strategic communications
  • Media Relations

All of these systems play essential roles in helping a business thrive and grow. 


Media Relations

This specific branch of public relations focuses on the relationship between business and the media, the media being journalists, newspapers, TV, and radio stations. 

This type of PR is FREE. You’re not paying a dime to advertise your business when working with the media and doing press releases, interviews, and more. 

You’re connecting with the public through forms of mass media that search out to interview and connect with local businesses and upcoming events. 

Another reason it’s essential to work with the media is that people tend to trust those businesses in the news or newspaper more than those paying for an ad. 

This is why the relationship between journalists and news stations is significant. But, again, your PR professional will have the right contacts to make that happen.

Perfect Pairing

The combination of PR with media relations is a match made in heaven. The goal of PR is to reach the community and spread a positive message about your brand. The purpose of media relations is to connect with local journalists and media to provide an outlet to spread that message. 

For example, let’s say you’ve got a charity event coming up that you want to promote and raise money. Your PR professional will put out a press release and reach out to the local media outlets for interviews, media statements, and newspaper articles.

Through this advertising, you’ll be seen by the most people, and you won’t be paying for the ad space! 

Meet Your Match with PR Boutique 

If you need a PR professional to help build brand awareness and loyalty for your business, you’ve come to the right place! 

Our team here at PR Boutique is experienced and knowledgeable in every facet of public relations.

We provide services such as event management, photography, social media, media relations, and more. 

Check out our last article, “5 Reasons You Need an Austin public relations firm”, for more insight into the importance of having the RIGHT PR firm for your business. 

Connect with us today to schedule an appointment to discuss how to help shine a spotlight on your business!